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Friday, April 22, 2016

A New Regime

Well not really.  Still the same guy, some new material, but all the same bias (Yeah, I'm lookin' at you Bulldog fans).  But really though, time permitting I'm going to try and do a little amateur sports coverage for not only The Flagship University of Mississippi, ha, sorry I couldn't help it, but all of the great major sports, things related to sports, or anything I get the urge to write about that we have going on here in Mississippi.  By no means am I a professional writer, journalist, reporter, the whole nine yards, so bear with me.  I design stuff, I write stuff, you look at it, you read it, you like it, you don't, whatever.  But I will do my best between getting and performing my teaching job, coaching, and family time to put out the best page I can.  This by no stretch of the word is a priority for me, just a hobby that I found I enjoy and can be pretty good at, so I figured why not share it and bring y'all along for the ride?  Oh, and possibly The 'Sip t-shirts to come? I don't know, it would be cool I guess if people would actually buy/wear them.  Y'all let me know.

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