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Friday, September 11, 2015

Hey Rebs! Go Gold!

If y'all didn't know, September is officially Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and the official color is gold.  I know what you're saying, we already go pink for breast cancer awareness and that's wonderful too, but I would like to just throw some information your way, dear reader.  Each year, about 15,700 loving parents will hear the words "your child has cancer."  I'll let that one sink in for a minute...

That is a huge blow to a family, not only emotionally, but financially.  The average cost of a stay in the hospital for a child with cancer is about $40,000 per stay. Let that one sink in.  To add to that burden, ALL types of childhood cancer COMBINED receive only 4% of the U.S. Federal Funding for cancer research. (National Cancer Institute)  So basically we are putting only 4% of the $5.067 billion in government funding that goes to cancer research.  Only 4% invested into the children, our future.  "Why does this affect me?" You might be saying, and it may not.  But let me tell you how it has affected me.

I would like everyone to meet my amazing little friend Brylie.

Brylie was diagnosed with Ewing's Sarcoma in 2014, and has been kicking cancers butt & stealing people's hearts (including mine), ever since.  Throughout getting to know Brylie, she has shown me what true strength is, and really been an inspiration to me, as well as countless others.  During my visits to Georgia, I can personally attest to witnessing her jump, play, run, smile and live like any little girl would.  Even while locked into battle with such a terrible disease, she was as happy and wonderful as could be, and nothing could bring her down, except maybe telling her she would have to choose between Luke Bryan and yours truly on who she was going to marry one day.  That kind of courage and strength is something I can only strive to have.  On Friday, September 4th, Brylie finished what is hopefully her last chemo treatment.  Though the scans have shown no evidence of the disease, she will have to go back for regular scans and heart checks because the tumor was located so close to her heart that the radiation could have done some damage.  The Lord is SO good, and Brylie and her WINNING fight are living proof.

You can learn more about Brylie and her fight at

So how 'bout it Rebel Nation? Let's GO GOLD for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! I think 'Quon would approve!

Go Gold, and Go Rebs!

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